欢乐一家亲 第七季

欢乐一家亲 第七季

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Eminent Boston Psychiatrist, Frasier Crane, last seen gracing the bars of Cheers has left his life there to start afresh in ... 更多




To the happy couple 2017-02-15

Love is an awesome force.It can make us do things we never imagined were poissble.For you see,we don''t actually choose love.It chooses us.And once it has,we are powerless to do anything about it. 详情

我觉得Mel和Niles更合适,她更懂Niles 0000-00-00

"She think I''d give up niles To protect my practine? I am crazy about him. The way he laughs,The way he gets that little glint in his eyes when he''s about to say something clever... But you know what I love the most? It''s like there are all these things that he could be if he could just trust som... 详情

欢乐一家亲第七季 0000-00-00

第七季1-frasier约会“妈妈” 第七季2-frasier为daphne准备婚礼 第七季3-frasier被新电台主持整蛊 第七季4-大老板女儿来台里 第七季5-bulldog搅乱roz约会 第七季6-兄弟俩以为喜欢同一个人 第七季7-俄国文物 第七季8-fradier被“死亡”,niles与整形医生 第七季9-freddi“操纵”父母 第七季10-frasier背痛,daphne知道了nile... 详情

对niles和mel关系的看法 0000-00-00

我觉得mel对niles的态度和爱意都是没有问题的,没有那些事也可能会是很好的一对,他们爱好和生活习惯相似,她鼓励他去追求主席位置还有打扮他之类其实都是比较平常恋人的相处,但是编剧写了这一对又写分他们除了拖剧情的因素,我觉得也是在体现niles在经历maries后的转变,他虽然个性和行为上习惯了被动,但内心其实一直是... 详情